[. . . ] To download the French manual the link is @ next http://www. 4shared. com/file/QxSt-lg6/Kenwood_BM200_BM258_Frinsh. html BM200 & BM258 DIRECTION For your safety and that of your family, please read very carefully Important Safety Recommendations listed below . RECOMMANDATIONS IMPORTANTES POUR LA SECURITE 1 Read all the instructions - this will allow you to use your best Bread machine. 2 DO NOT touch hot surfaces, such as the metal inside the upper or the handle of the bowl. 4 DO NOT use if there are any visible signs of damage provided or if the cord is accidentally dropped. 6 ALWAYS UNPLUG the unit when not in use, before assemble or disassemble parts or before cleaning. [. . . ] Put the bread pan in the chamber of the machine by using the alignment marks (), and making sure the bowl and it snaps the shot right side. Connect the camera and press the SELECT button until the number (1) appears on the display. At the end of the cycle, stop the machine and remove the bread pan by holding its handle. Otherwise, if the bread is baking a little longer use Option E cooking time (see "Cooking prolonged"). If the bread machine is on the way "Pain" (1-8, 10, 12), it will change to "Keep warm "for up to one hour or until the machine is switched off, following this whichever happens first. For more information on making bread and other recipes, see your Cookbook Kenwood . 9 TABLEAU DETAILLE DES CYCLES POUR LE PAIN/LA PATE Now that you know exactly what is happening inside your machine bread during the process, the table below shows you in minutes and seconds time required for each cycle. The total process time is also shown in hours and minutes, depending on your selection. Adjusting CYCLE 0 1 2 3 4 5 Sold 900 G 6 Large RAPID 7 8 9 10 Cake-Qu 11 12 Rapid Cycle 1 Hour Cooking Extended White - White White Sold 900 G Dark cooking Sold French Sweet Dough 900 G Bake Regular Large Large Regular Large 700 G 700 G 900 G RAPIDE Jam GATEAU bread 30min* 30min* 15min* 6min 6min 6min 6min 6min 6min - Resting* Kneading - - - 6min 1 Kneading 6min 6min 6min 45min 2 Lifting1 Beating 1 Beating 2 Tapping 27min** 31mi** 31mi**18min 25min 25min 22min 31mi** 24min 14min 15min 11min 23min 29min 29min 76min 79min 39min 34min 40min 60min - 17mmin 5sec 5sec 5sec 10sec 15sec 15sec 5sec 5sec - 90min 60min - 31min 60min 10sec 10sec 3 Rest 5sec 5sec 30min 30min 15min 29min 29min 3sec 3sec 3sec 5sec 5sec Shaping 1 Shaping 2 Shaping 3 - 10sec 10sec 10sec 10sec 10sec 5sec 5sec 5sec 5sec 5sec Lifting2 64min 54min 54min 55min 45min 45min 54min 49min Baking 60min 45min 50min 70min 45min 55min 55min 65min 50min Keep warm Duration 60min 60 min 60 min 60 min 60 min 60 min 60min 60 min total*** 1:00 Max deaying process - 2:45 2:50 3:10 4:20 4:30 3:20 3:30 3:25 1:30 1:50 1:00 0:59 14:45 14:50 15:10 16:20 16:30 15:20 15:30 15:25 13:30 13:50 13:00 12:59 *The cycle starts with a bread rest period, during which the meals or grains absorb the liquid ingredients. Soaking softens the flour or grain, and it helps ingredients to mix them better. It does not slide during this period **The alarm sounds during kneading to warn that it is time to add ingredients if the recipe recommends to add. · Réduisez la levure de /4de cuillerée à café. · Réduisez le sucre de 1 cuillerée à café. · Réduisez la farine de 6 à 9 cuillerées à café. · Utilisez la quantité de sel recommandée dans la recette. · Réduisez le liquide de 15 ml/3 cuillerées à café, et la levure de / de cuillerée à café. 1 1 · Vous avez ajouté trop de sel. · Si vous utilisez la minuterie, la levure s'est mouillée avant que le procédé de fabrication du pain n'ait commencé. · Il y a trop de levure. · Le temps est tiède et humide. 11 TROUBLESHOOTING (continued) PROBLEME 4. The top and sides Are sunken. CAUSE POSSIBLE · Il y a trop liquid. SOLUTION · Use 15 ml / 3 teaspoons of liquid in less next time or add a little more flour. · Utilisez la quantité recommandée dans la recette ou essayez avec un cycle plus rapide la prochaine fois. · Refroidissez l'eau ou ajoutez du lait sortant juste du réfrigérateur. · Ajoutez 15ml/3 cuillerées à café de liquide · Mesurez la farine avec exactitude. · Assurez-vous que la pâte est préparée dans les meilleures conditions possibles. Se référer au guide "Recommandations · Il y a trop de levure. · Il est possible que la pâte ait levé trop rapidement à cause d'une forte humidité et d'un temps chaud. · Le dessus des pains n'est pas toujours parfaitement formé mais cela n'affecte pas le goût très savoureux du pain. [. . . ] The ingredients are Not mixed · Vous n'avez pas mis la machine en marche. · Après avoir programmé le panneau de commande, appuyez sur le bouton de démarrage pour mettre la machine en marche. · Assurez-vous toujours que le pétrisseur est sur son axe au fond du bol à pain avant d'ajouter les ingrédients. · Faites attention de ne pas renverser les ingrédients quand vous les ajoutez dans le bol à pain. [. . . ]